Wednesday, April 2, 2008

LUSH Bath bombs

Lush Rocks!

Admit it, you love Lush! I mean everyone does, I know I sure do. But what's all the hype about LUSH Cosmetics, and what sets them apart from everybody else?

Well for starters, all of their products are handmade with only the finest and freshest ingredients, so you can be sure you're gonna get that ultimate clean and pure feeling.

LUSH Cosmetics are all natural too. Enough with all of this fake, chemically altered crap you've been using. This stuff comes straight from the Earth, no artificial fillers here.

Here's just a few things of what people have been saying about LUSH Cosmetics:

"This stuff is great I mean you start using it and you get addicted!!!!! After one month using it I have thrown away all my other cosmetics!!
You have to try it it's the best!!!!!"

Lush Skin Care Products

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